Monday, January 29, 2007

From Hanoi to Tehran

So the looney left has dusted off the rolling dinosaurs of the 60's by trotting out, among others, Hanoi Jane to speak at the much heralded "Surrender March" in D.C. this past weekend.

H.J. claims she has previously stayed away from anti-war demonstrations because of the lies told about her. She was vague regarding what those lies were however. Given that there are films and audio recordings of her taking delight sitting in Charlie's AA gun one must conclude that the lies, to the degree that they exist, are indeed lies in her favor.

For example, I recall at least two occasions in which the Drive-by-Media (DBM) have reported that H.J. apologized for her "fact finding mission" to our Communist enemy.

That she has apologized for being a traitor is indeed a lie.

On the first occasion one would be hard pressed know for what exactly she apologized, or even if there were an apology at all. Now granted, this is from memory, but if memory serves, her reported apology was a rambling collection of non sequiturs that made about as much sense as some of her later pronouncements praising the discovered-late-in-life power of her vagina.

An apology, especially one regarding such a heinous and universally-accepted-as-controversial event as her trip to North Vietnam must be unambiguous. Something like, "I deeply regret my actions in North Vietnam and the harm they caused to our soldiers and our country. I was wrong and I am sorry."

Instead, we were treated to babble from a middle-aged woman of whom we would later learn still had major psychological issues regarding her vagina.

The second occasion reported a few years ago, also from memory, was also a lie. Again, the DBM reported an apology, but a close inspection revealed that she was "sorry" only that she allowed photos to be taken. In other words, she was not sorry for her actions, but for having been caught.

Now the only question left is, when will she travel to a terrorist training camp in Iran and play joyfully with IEDs created to kill Americans? Despite her sorrow for having been photograhphed in Hanoi, she's probably too stupid and too vain to avoid the camera on her next trip.

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